It has been the grace and guidance of God, the merciful Father that on the feast day of our beloved Founder and Father Louis Guanella , on 24th Oct. 2022, our confreres Bros. Rajenthiran Arul Pondiyan, Gnanapragasam Arockia Samy, Malliya Doss Jeyaseelan, Mathiyas John Peter were conferred the ministry of Lector and Bro. Antony Samy Philip Victor was conferred the Ministry of Acolyte by Fr. Ronald J, the Provincial Superior of Divine Providence Province at Don Guanella Major Seminary, Chennai. We congratulate the formators who have accompanied and prepared them and the confreres in particular for their perseverance in responding to the call of God. It was a simple and meaningful celebration with the participation of the entire Guanellian family. Let us bless the Lord.