… He said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of harvest to send out laborers into harvest.’ Lk. 10:2
With joy and thanksgiving to God, the guanellian family in Democratic Republic of Congo gathered on the 27th of July, 2019, in Cathedral de Notre Dame du Congo, to witness the Priestly Ordination of their brothers. The newly ordained priests,
Rev. Frs.: - Philemon Ladzus Lukumu,
                   - Sylvain Sieta Mbalanda,
                   - Arnold Mata Mbunga, and
                   - Jean-Pierre Bokafo Betoko
through the help of God’s grace, and the ever protection of Mary, Mother of Divine Providence, made a solemn pledge of perpetual communion with Jesus, the Eternal High Priest for the service of the Church and humanity, especially the poor.
It was indeed a graceful occasion witnessed by Rev. Fr RATHINAM SOOSAIRA, the general counselor in charge of the African Vice-Province, many confreres, close and distant relatives of confreres who so much desired to show their love, support and encouragement to the newly ordained priests.
At his homily, His grace Rt. Rev. FRIDOLIN AMBONGO, the archbishop of Kinshasa reminded the ordinands that more than ever, today, it is important to recall that the priesthood is a special gift from God and also a great mystery for the Church and the world. No one takes this grace upon himself. It is a call to serve in humility and total trust in God’s abiding grace.
Consequently, it is important for the priest to realize that in his life, God has given the most treasured of all gifts, and for all eternity hence ordained in the order of Melchizedek. Beyond the feebleness and vulnerability of human nature, he is chosen to be another Christ - ALTER CHRISTUS. Therefore, he not only shares in the priesthood of Christ but also in his Victimhood. The bloody sacrifice of Christ on the cross he is called to replicate through his self-oblation, self-denial, passionate missionary engagement especially to those who are most abandoned.
To our newly brothers, we entrust you to the intercession of our founder, Saint Louis Guanella as we wish you God’s abundant graces in your priestly vocation.