4 novembre 2019

Santa messa al Cimitero del Verano-Roma

In suffragio dei SdC, FSMP e Guanelliani Cooperatori




November reminds me of the dead,
Christian duty demands me to pay homage,
To the Soldiers of Christ, heroes of Charity.

All candles of faith lighted,
Silent prayers and meditation offered over your death,
Invariably, speaks about life.

The epitaphs and lovely words engraved on your tombs
Tell generations what you believed and practised,
Your entire yard adorned with flowers speaks about the beauty of your soul.

Your death brings to mind that eternity solely belongs to God,
That all mortals are on transit here below,
Everyone goes when God wishes.

As death for believers is a rebirth,
Be happy in your new abode
Where life is anew forever.

Stay peacefully in heaven,
For just like you who died in the Lord,
All the living are in God's hands.