Il 28 ottobre 2019, festa dei santi Simone e Giuda, l'intera famiglia del Centro Don Guanella si è riempita di gioia poiché non solo abbiamo celebrato la festa dei due santi, ma anche la visita fraterna di p. Rathinam Soosai (Consigliere incaricato dell'Africa) e Don Mario Nava (Economo generale). L'apice della festa di questo giorno è stata la benedizione della nuova lavanderia per i nostri bambini nel “Don Guanella Centre” in Nnebukwu.


On the 28th day of October, 2019 the feast day of Saints Simon and Jude, the entire family of Don Guanella Centre was filled with joy as we not only celebrated the feast of the two Saints, but also the fraternal visit of Fr. Rathinam Soosai (Councilor in-charge of Africa) and Don Mario Nava (General bursar). The apex of this day’s feast was the blessing of the new laundry for our children.
The program started at 10am with the Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Superior of the Vice Province of Africa: Very Rev. Fr. Kelechi Maduforo and concelebrated by eight (8) priests in the persons of: Rev. Fr. Rathinam Soosai, Rev. Fr. Mario Nava, Rev. Fr. Giancalo Frigerio, Rev. Fr. Jude Anamelechi, Rev. Fr. Gabriel Kawanda, Rev. Fr. Kingsley Anyadiegwu, Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Onwukwe, Rev. Fr. Vitus Unegbu.
At the Eucharistic celebration we prayed for the Superior of the Vice Province of Africa and the Novice Master/Superior of Don Guanella Centre Nnebukwu as they celebrated the feast of their Patron Saint Jude Thaddeus. During his homily Very Rev. Fr. Kelechi Maduforo, emphasized on the meaning of the name Thaddeus, which is from the Aramaic root meaning “chest” or “heart”. Thus, the name means full-hearted, in the sense of being kind hearted or generous. Secondly, he invited all present to rediscover and treasure the peculiarity of the Guanellian Charism and Mission in the Church.