Il programma di formazione "per superiori, dirigenti di residenze, economi e altri collaboratori negli uffici dei progetti" è iniziato lunedì 4 novembre 2019 a Ibadan, nella "Casa della Provvidenza", sede del vice -Provincia africana Nostra Signora della Speranza e proseguirà fino al 7 novembre 2019.

In our House of Providence, Ibadan was organised a general formation for all the Superiors, Responsible of Residences, Bursars and other Collaborators in Project Offices of our African Vice-Province.


The facilitators and animators are: Don Mario Nava SDC and Frère Leon Mbanga SDC
The official meeting started with the Holy Mass presided by Very Rev. Fr. Kelechi Maduforo SC Superior of the Vice-Province. Later in his address, Fr. Kelechi pointed out two words of our founder Don Luigi Guanella us for these formative days: “Unity of Direction” and “Trust or undivided Trust in the Divine Providence.


An Address was also presented by the Bursar of the Vice-Province, Don Giancarlo Frigerio.

The First Morning Meeting the Facilitator Don Mario Nava gave Basic Principles and the History of Economy in Religious Life.


He continued in the afternoon explaining about the Goods of the Church the Goods of the Congregation.


The evening there was celebration of the vespers with Eucharistic