The Morning Prayer:

Today there was a little change in the program that instead of Eucharistic celebration this morning, it was agreed to pray the laud as morning prayer while the Eucharistic celebration will be in the evening to be celebrated by Don Mario Nava SDC as the closing Holy Mass of these fours days of formative journey. Rev. Fr. Stephen Onyeka Sc led the morning prayer and from the short reading of the first letter of Saint Peter, Fr. Stephen invited us to know that whatever individual talent we have is for the common good as we are one family in our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, we are not here to begin to compete against each other rather we are expected to work together. Even if any good comes to our communities through each of us, it should not be an avenue for the confrere to see himself as the one that did it alone, rather the expression will be that is the achievement of all.

The Morning Session and Afternoon sessions Facilitated by Don Mario Nava ( Generale Econome) on the New Accounting System of our Congregation


This was more a practical way of accounting with Excel program brought by Don Mario and will be used henceforth in accounting to the Vice-Province and equally to the General Bursar. The excel program might look complicated but once we learn it, it becomes very easy and with time we become experts. He offered the different manuals that will help each bursar even the superiors and directors of activities to learn how to use this system of accounting. He also promised to be available to be consulted anytime we made mistake or we equally consult the Superior of the Vice-Province. After the practical explanations, the Superior of the Vice-Province proposed that the afternoon period will be dedicated to the practicals of this new system of accounting and four groups were created to facilitate this exercise of internalising this accounting system whereby each one of us that participated would arrive at making use of this new excel system of accounting. To show how this accounting was more important than any other thing the superior of the Vice-Province Very Rev Fr Kelechi Maduforo dedicated the afternoon time that was to be the Mini-Assembly to the practicality of this new accounting system of the Congregation and ensured it was learnt by goining around with Don Mario Nava (Economo Generale) in the different groups offering their availability for any question and clarifications. The afternoon session ended with the visit and little presentation from our founding mother for the Guanellian Lay Co-operators in the person of Mrs Dr. Irabor. According Don Mario, her presence completed all our formation on the general goods of the community where she and others have decided to leave other of their engagements and job to become available for those in need of health services especially the aged. The Superior of the Vice-Province, Very Rev. Fr. Kelechi Maduforo, explained how yesteryears he met her through the husband and since then she has offered herself to extend the Guanellian mission to other tentacles of reality around us and was instrumental to the forming of the Guanellian Youth Movement. He applauded her passion, faithfulness and good christian heart adding that her family is best catholic family anyone can encounter. He belauded her consistency, emphasising that many local Superiors have come and passed but she remained with her permanent presence and this is the best gift the lay persons we collaborate with can offer our communities.

The Holy Mass:


The Eucharistic celebration took place in the evening at 6:30pm and was celebrated by Don Mario Nava SDC (Economo Generale). In his homily, Don Mario invited us to know that is not the economic account we need to do to God but we are equally called by God to give account of the precious gift God gave us which is our lives. God demands an account of our lives, faith, vocations...etc. Sometimes, we are scared to give account feeling is a kind of control over us. But in humility, giving account truly is an elevation of our faculty of capacity to will and to choose but more to choose the good. So giving account makes us more humans and more children of God living in liberty. According to Don Mario, the Gospel of Saint Luke (15:1-10) where we saw in the parable of the lost sheep the capacity of the freedom of choice but also of giving account of the lives under his care. He concluded to say in all, we are invited to seek for the common good as a criteria to offer a good and just account to our Creator.




The concluding part of this formation on Administration and Financial Management held in the House of Providence Theologate, Yemetu Ibadan, took place in the evening supper where we had a sumptuous meal as one family with all the participants and our theology confreres students here in Ibadan. Our cooks for the week were also invited and appreciated. The Superior of the Vice-Province delegated his vicar, Père François Mpunga to appreciate the General Councillor, Padre Soosai Rathinam SDC and the Economo Generale, Don Mario Nava SDC for their presence and contributions to us throughout these formative days. And later the commission that prepared and organised this program were equally appreciated (Rev. Fr. Paul Ogene Sc, Rev. Fr. Kingsley Anyadiegwu Sc and Rev. Fr. Simon Dzungwe Sc.) and the hosting community Ibadan. The Superior of the Vice-Province, Very Rev. Fr. Kelechi Maduforo thanked all the participants especially our lay collaborators for their wonderful presence. More so, applauded the paternal presence of Don Mario and Padre Rathinam that was not only educative but more supportive in seeing that this new accounting system was realised in our Vice-Province of Africa and wished them safe trip as the return the next day to Italy


Finally, the certificate of recognition was presented to each participants of these days of formation here in Ibadan and the next day Friday 8th of November, 2019 will be the picnic outing of all the participants from Ibadan to Lekki beach at Lagos.