As per the custom and at the direction of Provincial superior Rev. Fr. Ronald, the rectors of St. Joseph’s seminary, Cuddalore and Guanella Bhavan, Koppakka decided to have 4 days of Minor seminarians meet on 14th to 17th of January 2021 at Cuddalore. The total participants were exactly half century i.e 50 persons. First day was a day of recollection and confession as spiritual preparation for the young ones and it was guided by Rev. Fr. Kalaiselvan Sdc, a missionary from Romania. And second day was a day of cultural programs and sports. It was a very colourful and cheerful day with varieties of dances, singings and skits from different cultures and innovations. The third day was a day of orientation on the theme of the gathering, “Fraternity, a laboratory of Reciprocity”. Resource person was young missionary from USA Rev. Fr. Amalraj Sdc. With his gifts of oratory and calibre he attracted the audience and taught them about the gifts, struggles and solutions in the life of communion. His questions were reflected, discussed in groups and reports were presented. The last day was dedicated for real mission experience as one group. They went to St. Mary’s aged home run by Cluny sisters and it is housing nearly 90 aged men and women. The seminarians entertained them with their dialogues, singing, dancing and storytelling. After almost a year seeing the seminarians visiting them they were all excited indeed. Guanellian Fathers and brothers celebrated Mass for them in aged home and prayed for them. In the afternoon they were taken to Cuddalore OT beach where they enjoyed as group playing together, swimming and taking photographs. Colour and vitality was given by the participation of 2 DSMP novices and 2 DSMP candidates together with their 3 formatos. May the young love this religious life and ministry and discern well to pursue their vocation we pray.