The newly elected local Council of the Guanellian Cooperators met on Febr.16 in the Servants of Charity Community House to review their past journey and rekindle the fire of the charism to be expressed in concrete plans of action. For the first time in this long pandemic season they met face to face and following the Statutes' guidlelines they have made simple plans and decisions regarding distributions of roles and tasks as well as putting into the calendar regular moments of formation and mission activities. A particular emphasis has been placed on the importance of the spiritual preparation of the Renewal of the Promises that will be sycronized and take place on March 25, Solemnity of the Annonciation.
Fr.Luigi ,by assuring his avalabilty to accompany the group,has expressed the gratitude of the Servants of charity for the cooperators support to our expanding mission projects and also for their creativity in becoming good samaritans in their own place and parish.
The Lenten season will offer them new opportunities for practicing the creativity of love in the footsteps of Don Guanella and in response to the ongoing local and global pandemic crisis.
The cooperators are aware: "We cannot stop....Charitas Christi urget nos..."