The annual meeting for the formators and vocation promoters in divine providence province was convened on 29th November 2016 in Guanella Preethi Nivas, Bangalore. The central theme of the meeting was “a new pedagogy for integral formation to priesthood and consecrated life in India”. The meeting was headed by Rev. Fr. Soosai Rathinam SdC, the Provincial superior along with the resource person Rev. Fr. Joe Mathiayas SJ. It was well animated by Rev. Frs. Samson SdC, Gnanaraj SdC, Francis SdC, and Prakash SdC. The central message drawn from the sessions is
Formation is not just a mere human action but also of divine and Trinitarian. God the Father is the formator and "the activity of the Father through the Spirit molds the hearts of persons in formation according to the mind of the Son".
God the Father, in the continuous gift of Christ and the Spirit, is the formator par excellence of the one consecrated to Him. But in this work God is also served by the mediating role of human persons, matured in faith and discipleship.
The one who serves in such a ministry is placed as a mediator between God's action and the human response and must therefore be one who knows well both the human and the divine heart. 
Formation "ought to be formation of the whole person" in every aspect of his or her individuality, behavior, and intentions". The heart, reason, will, memory, imagination, senses, desires, tastes, the conscious and unconscious everything ideally ought to be the object of attention in formation; so that the new person in Christ can really come to birth.
Moreover, "formation, in order to be total, must encompass all the aspects of Christian and consecrated life. Thus there must be spiritual, human, intellectual, cultural and pastoral preparation which focuses aids the harmonious integration of the various aspects".
For the vocation promotion, all the members of the congregation must toil and sweat. All must attract the candidates through their witnessing life style, spiritual ground & maturity and innovative programs. After recruiting the candidates, the formators must accompany and assist to know and discern the choice and service.
Thank you

DPP, India