In India, Chennai, the DGMS Community, with joy and happiness warmly welcomed Rev. Fr. Alphonso Crippa, the Superior General and Rev. Fr. Gustavo De Bonis, the Secretary General, who visited Don Guanella Major Seminary after the completion of Fourth Provincial Chapter for the Divine Providence Province. Fr. Superior General met all the priestly confreres personally and as a group too. He spent his valuable time with all in the community sharing the fraternal love of the Founder with us. He was here for two days exclusively spending his time with the Fathers and Brothers of the community.
The following day evening he met whole community and shared his fraternal greetings on behalf of all the general councilors and confreres in Rome. He initially thanked Lord for the Gift of beautiful mission that the Lord has done to us in India. He also said that he was happy to see a good number of young men offering themselves to become instrument of God’s work in the days to come. He shared the news and updates of the Congregation. During his message to the conferrers he said that we need to be open to the universal mission in our Guanellian globe and be more charitable to be rooted in the spirit of the Founder and the Congregation. He also welcomed the brothers to interact and share their views and experience. Brothers have thanked him for his kind service and care towards the congregation for the past twelve years and proposed him for some changes like coming together from other nations before the perpetual vows and learning the mother language of the congregation and spirit of the Founder. He said that it would be considered if the proposal arises from the provincial and his council. He also clarified on the issue of writing a request for perpetual preparation to Fr. General and his council. The meeting was ended with the video of formation taking place in Major Seminary, Bogota the capital of Colombia. The meeting was concluded with the vote of thanks to Fr. Superior General and Fr. Secretary General. It was indeed a joyful occasion because of the paternal visit of our Superior General who is the animator and guardian of fidelity to the original charism(C No 4).