Dalle Isole Solomon
Dear guanellian Cooperators, as you are gathering in Rome on the Feastday of our Lady of Providence to elect your General Council we want to send you our heartfelt wishes from these peripheries of the Solomon Islands. A small group of Guanellian good Samaritans has just started here too its formation and service among our poor. We are one with you in the spirit of St. GUANELLA and in sharing the same beautiful mission. We accompany you with our prayer.
Dalla Provincia Divine Providence
All the members of the World Assembly of Guanellian Cooperators
It is with great joy and gratitude that I express my sentiments of fraternity to all those who are assembled for this memorable event of the Guanellian Family. As you have begun this Assembly with the Solemnity of the Mother of Divine Providence, I wish all of you a fruitful moment of being together as one family under the wings of the Providence, of getting to know one another with the exchange of richness which each of you has carried along with you. May your Assembly bring many more fruits in the spread of Charity and vitality to the Guanellian World and to the society at large. May God bless all your good efforts. Have a good time.
Hearty Wishes
Fr. Ronald
Prayers and Greetings from Nazareth Illam Thalavadi, India. You are entering into the Historical Moment for the Congregation as we are celebrating the World Council for the Guanellian Coopraters, on the Feast Day of Mother of Divine Providence. May all the plans and sharing, desires and discernments may enrich the Church and the Congregation. We offered a special Mass for all the members of the Council. Fr. Gnanaraj and Community.
Dal Sinai
I migliori auguri per l'incontro e per il prossimo consiglio mondiale. Don Battista
Dalla Provincia Nostra Signora di Guadalupe
Auguri per la Assemplea Mondiale dei Guanelliani Cooperatori. Auguriamo a tutti i participanti una bella convivenza tra loro, un bel lavoro assambleare, e tante grazie del Signore e della Divina Provvidenza per il carisma guanelliano vissuto con gioia, generositá e tenerezza nella vocazione guanelliana dei cooperatori. Auguri ai relatori. Auguriamo un boun discernimento che farete, man mano passeranno le giornate. Preghiamo al nostro buon Padre del Cielo per tutti voi, per gli organizatori, per i partecipanti, e per coloro che dovranno assumere la direzione mondiale della Asaciazione del cooperatori. Auguri e che la nostra cara Lina Santander ci benedica dal Cielo, lei che aveva grande desiderio di essere presente in mezzo a voi in questo evento. Auguri, allora, e uniti nella preghiera.
P. Alfonso Martínez