Dear Confreres, Sisters & Cooperators
Greetings. We are indeed very grateful to the Lord for his special grace of granting to our Congregation 5 more priests who will be ordained on 14th Aug. 2021. I take this moment to thank Very Rev. Fr. Umberto Brugnoni, the Superior General and His Council for granting Nulla Osta for the candidates. I thank all the formators who have accompanied them in the past and the candidates themselves for their generosity and discernment of God's will for them. The ordination will be a private ceremony in accordance with the Covid Regulations of the state. We expect just one confrere from each community. The event will be broadcasted live. Please find in the attachment the invitation and the schedule of the first mass of the New Priests. I kindly request you to keep in your personal and community prayers this event and the candidates. Thank you very much.
Fr. Ronald J Sdc
Dear Confreres, Sisters & Cooperators
Indeed God has been so gracious to us out of his goodness that 4 of the candidates in Divine Providence Province are about to enter into Postulancy on 31 July 2021 in Sivagangai, India with the new formator Fr. L. Mathias Sdc. Please pray for the candidates and for the formative community who will be accompanying them. Join this event through your prayers. Please find in the attachment the formal invitation. Let us congratulate the formator and the candidates. Let us pray for this event in our personal prayer and in our common prayers.
Fr. Ronald J Sdc