A long awaited dream was realized at Mahabubabad, Telangana as a simple mission house for the day care of the differently abled persons was inaugurated on 25th August, 2024. The house is named in honor of Don Guanella under the title ‘Guanella Prema Nivasam’ which has the expression ‘House where Love dwells’. This is a historical moment for the diocese of Warangal and for presence of the Guanellians in Telengana State. Most. Rev. Udumala Bala, Bishop of Warangal officiated the blessing and opening ceremony in the presence of Fr. Francis, Provincial Councilor, Guanellian Priests, Beneficiaries, Local religious and Well-wishers. It is the simple beginning with the vision of enlarging the tent of charity to the needy brethren in the locality by following the footsteps of our dear founder St. Louis Guanella