Domenica 19 gennaio, in occasione della festa del Santo Niño, durante la celebrazione della S. Messa, presieduta dal vescovo mons. Luciano Capelli, vescovo emerito di Gizo, hanno ricevuto il ministero dell'Accolitato i confratelli guanelliani: Br. Eris Zeus Boquiron, Br. Joseph Nguyen Thanh Tam; hanno ricevuto il ministero del Lettorato i confratelli guanelliani: Br. Francis Xavier Le Van Toan, Br. John The Baptist Nguyen Dinh Cuong, Br. Peter Ha Quoc Thang e Br. Peter Tran Van Tam. 
A tutti loro giungano gli auguri di buon servizio e di buon cammino!

On January 19, we celebrated the Feast of Sto. Nino, the regular observance of the Feast which is close to the hearts of all Filipino Catholics. This Feast reminds us of the beginning of the Christianization of this land and insists that we pray for the children and youth of today so that they may have hope for a good future. 

We have invited Bishop Luciano Capelli, a missionary Bishop and close friend to the Guanellian Mission in Solomon. He was happy celebrating the Feast in our covered Court, SC at Tandang Sora. He also conferred the ministry of Acolytes to two Brothers and the ministry of Lector to four Brothers of Theology. 

He encouraged them saying, "You receive a special gift of the Word of God and the Eucharist from the Lord, to discover Him day by day and to live your life in a holy way. Be grateful to God and become a part of the Eucharist, to be broken for the service to the Poor."

The brothers and nuns from different religious communities, friends and people participated in the Eucharistic celebration. 

May Santo Nino continue to bless these newly instituted ministers as they begin their service, and may their ministry bring them closer to Christ, our Lord.    

Fr. Rajesh SdC