Lord Jesus, you have called us
to come after you as Servants of Charity,
send your Spirit to enlighten our minds,
and to set on fire our hearts
in preparation for the Twentieth General Chapter,
(during the Twentieth General Chapter).
Renew us in living joyfully your Gospel,
and rekindle the charism you have given us
through our Founder, Saint Louis Guanella.
May this time of grace
be for us an occasion of spiritual renewal.
Strengthen our bond of charity
that makes us open to appreciate the beauty of fraternal love,
and to understand and treasure the different cultures
into which our Congregation carries out its mission of charity.
Grant us the courage to be in our world
prophets of communion and servants of the poor
that your mercy entrusts to our care.
We ask this through the intercession
of Mary, Mother of Divine Providence,
and of our Holy Founder. Amen.